Lent: a Time for Intentional Change

Lent: a Time for Intentional Change

Life offers many opportunities for change. New Year’s Eve and birthdays provide opportunities to make external changes. Lent, on the other hand, encourages intentional self-reflection for internal growth. “Four areas to consider for intentional growth during Lent...
Dealing with Holiday Depression

Dealing with Holiday Depression

Depression is difficult to live with at any time of year. During the holiday season, it becomes even more challenging. We are bombarded with messages about the joys of the holiday season. The season of light can seem like a season of darkness to someone with...
Eliminate Fear to Reduce Anxiety

Eliminate Fear to Reduce Anxiety

What are you most afraid of? The answer to this thought-provoking question could be job loss, abandonment, humiliation, financial destruction, illness, or death, among others. According to Dr. Beth Plachetka, LCSW, EdD and owner of Safe Harbor Counseling, what we fear...
Know and Support Your School System!

Know and Support Your School System!

For most of us, our interactions with the school are with specific teachers, the building, and the district. There’s a much bigger system that supports and defines what happens in education. It is important to have a bullseye view of your school system and know how...
Tips for Back to School!

Tips for Back to School!

A new school year is a new beginning! How do we make this year a success for the children, the parents, and the teachers?   Social Worker, Dr. Beth Plachetka from Safe Harbor Counseling and Dr. Beth Speaks is helping us get ready for a great school year with her...