Take Time For Your Health!

Take Time For Your Health!

We take health and habits for granted. We act like we can skip meals, exercise, and sleep without any consequence. If you do not take time to be healthy then not only does your physical health suffer but also your mental health. Your mind and body are connected, a...
Be S.M.A.R.T.

Be S.M.A.R.T.

Life is constantly changing. That change can be hard for us to adapt to. How can we make changes in our life easier? BE SMART! Dr. Beth Plachetka teaches us the steps to making a changes in our life: Specific Measurable Achievable/Attainable Realistic/Relevant Timely...
Gratitude Can Give You Strength!

Gratitude Can Give You Strength!

Thanksgiving is next week filled with family, friends and Gratitude. The whole month of November, we have been reflecting on Why Gratitude Is Good For Us. Difficulties don’t disappear instantly when we develop an approach to life that includes gratitude, but it...